Tag Archives: big data

Data Analytics for Public Services: Beyond the Hype

Data analytics is the new buzz phrase these days. Public service agencies all over the world are looking at data in order to optimize service delivery, as well as help people manage their consumption of resources like electricity, water, and gas. However, data analytics, which is devoid of context, can be easily misleading and detrimental to the objectives of using it for public services. Continue reading Data Analytics for Public Services: Beyond the Hype

My GPS Car Is Smarter Than Your Honor Student

Driverless cars may know how to negotiate intersections and park themselves better than humans, but so far I haven’t read about a smart car that can get me through Silicon Valley faster during rush hour. The problem isn’t with drivers, the problem is with pavement. There just doesn’t seem to be enough roadway to accommodate everyone at the same time. Perhaps the solution lies in data, not just driverless technology. Continue reading My GPS Car Is Smarter Than Your Honor Student

How Data Became Big

In addition to researching “A Very Short History of Data Science, “I have also been looking at the history of how data became big. Continue reading How Data Became Big

Symposia on Ubiquity

We computing professionals are confronted with new and complex questions nearly every day. The events of the day move so fast that we do not have the chance to reflect on those questions and find new answers or even just new understanding. With the launch of the New Ubiquity, we are introducing a new feature, the Symposium. The editors will pose a question and invite a set of leading thinkers to reflect on it. We will publish their reflections. Their thinking may help you accelerate yours on that question. Continue reading Symposia on Ubiquity