All posts by Sharad Sinha

Sharad Sinha s a Research Scientist with the School of Computer Science and Engineering at Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore. He is also a corresponding editor with IEEE Potentials and an associate editor with ACM Ubiquity. He obtained his Ph.D. in computer engineering from NTU (Singapore) and thereafter worked at HKUST (Hong Kong) and NUS (Singapore). He is fascinated with the developments in a wide range of topics related to computing but sees all this from a non-research perspective as well. His primary research and teaching interests are in the areas of embedded systems, computer architecture, reconfigurable computing and high performance computing as well as their intersection with other application areas like medical devices and machine vision.

Data Analytics for Public Services: Beyond the Hype

Data analytics is the new buzz phrase these days. Public service agencies all over the world are looking at data in order to optimize service delivery, as well as help people manage their consumption of resources like electricity, water, and gas. However, data analytics, which is devoid of context, can be easily misleading and detrimental to the objectives of using it for public services. Continue reading Data Analytics for Public Services: Beyond the Hype

Can Chatbots Replace Customer Service Reps?

A chatbot is a computer program intended to engage with humans in human-like conversations. It is also known by other names like chatterbot, talkbot etc. Chatbots are the “in-thing” in the world of artificial-intelligence led technology. Both the press and the internet world are awash with stories of how chatbots are going to change the way we shop, dine, converse, and even stay in a hotel. There is a lot of hype around this technology, as is usually the case when people talk about artificial intelligence. Continue reading Can Chatbots Replace Customer Service Reps?