Alphabet recently became the largest company based on its market capitalization, squeezing out Apple for the number one spot of all-time successful companies. Perhaps the reason is that sales of the Apple iPhone disappointed analysts and stock pickers alike. Apple shipped only 74 million iPhones in the last quarter of 2015, causing the stock price of AAPL to reach a new low of $94 on February 4, 2016. This slide of nearly 28% from its peak suggests the roller coaster is running all the way down hill for Apple. Is the iPhone’s decade-long run coming to the end of its marathon? Is the end near for Apple Inc., itself? Continue reading Is the End Near for the Apple iPhone?
Tag Archives: driverless cars
My GPS Car Is Smarter Than Your Honor Student
Driverless cars may know how to negotiate intersections and park themselves better than humans, but so far I haven’t read about a smart car that can get me through Silicon Valley faster during rush hour. The problem isn’t with drivers, the problem is with pavement. There just doesn’t seem to be enough roadway to accommodate everyone at the same time. Perhaps the solution lies in data, not just driverless technology. Continue reading My GPS Car Is Smarter Than Your Honor Student
Your Grandfather’s Oldsmobile—NOT!
It was my privilege in the late 1990s to manage the DaimlerChrysler Research NA lab devoted to telematics—the study of Internet-ready, GPS-informed cars and trucks [1]. The past 15 years has witnessed the dawning age of self-driving cars —robotic vehicles on the open roadways. Continue reading Your Grandfather’s Oldsmobile—NOT!